had a number of customers asking about the "hatch chili". Since the Hatch Chili Festival is this upcoming weekend I thought it would be an appropriate time to give you a little information about the hatch. Just like the datil pepper gets it's unique flavor from the environment provided in St. Augustine, the hatch chili's home is Hatch, New Mexico. Hatch, NM provides the specialized geography, climate, and soil composition that gives the hatch
chili its unique characteristics and flavor.The hatch chili is rated between 1,000 and 2,500 Scoville heat units and has a fleshy consistency. The pepper pod will grow to eight inches in length and changes color from green to red as it matures. The pepper has several
alias' and goes by NuMex 6-4 (New Mexico State University), Big Jim (I assume this was grown by Jim), and R-Naky (hopefully they weren't naked!). Members of the New Mexico Chili Commission analyzed the pepper on a spectrophotometer (what ever that is!) and found that the NuMex Heritage 6-4 has five times the flavor compounds than a jalapeno pepper.
The pepper is celebrated at the Hatch Chili Festival every year on Labor Day weekend. The festival brings in an approximated 35,000 pepper aficionados to a town of 1,600 residents. The attending tourists partying at the 43rd celebration of the festival this upcoming weekend and will have a chance to participate in chili eating and cook-off contests, live entertainment, water parks, and bull
riding events.
Peppers of Key West carries several sauces that contain the hatch chili and we want you to celebrate this little beauty even if you can't get to Hatch, NM. So, Peppers is putting on sale all of their sauces that contain the hatch
chili. To name three, the Hatch Chile BBQ Sauce, the Hatch Chili & Pineapple Salsa, and the Hatch Chile Mustard Cheese Dip are all on sale. Remember, orders over $69.00 get free shipping.
I hope you are able to
celebrate Labor Day while remembering what all or laborer's have contributed to the strength, prosperity and well-being of this great country.
Happy Labor Day!!