Cyber Monday Hot Sauce Specials

Published: Sun, 11/29/15

Cyber Monday
Hot Sauce Specials
 Thank you all for being such loyal customers and helping us spread the "hotter is better" mindset!  Because of your loyalty we are offering three amazing specials that have never been offered before!!!
Happy Holidays from your friends at Peppers of Key West!!

- Can not be combined with other specials.
- Can not be used to purchase Gift Certificates or our
Hot Sauce of the Month Club Memberships.
                                                    $2.00 Off
Peppers of Key West's Cooking Sauces
Discount Code: Cyber3
Don't forget stocking stuffers for your Chili Head!! 

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 p.s.  this sale concludes midnight on December 2nd.  If you are or have a chili head in the family be sure to get your gifts early.