I'm sure you, as am I are wondering how to get everything done before the holiday. If you are trying to fill a last hole under the tree or forgot to get something for a friend or coworker, we can help! We are gift wrapping our
5 Pack boxes for the holiday and and offering them at a discounted price. Rather than the normal $31.99 we have dropped the price to $24.99 for Christmas. We still have time to mail one or two to you. All you have to do is open the shipping box and place ours under the tree.
Unfortunately this offer is limited to two 5 packs - any more and I can't guarantee delivery by the 25th. This offer ends at 8:00 pm tonight (12/19)
If you stop in the store prior to the holiday please be aware this wrapping experience is for our square boxes only. We do not have the engineering stamina to wrap odd shaped gift boxes.