One of the many fun things about living in our great country is that we have really strange observances throughout the year. Today happens to be "Stupid Question Day". Please enjoy my favorites below (yes, these really have been asked in the store)!
10) How far is it between mile markers?
Similar to Question #6 the distance between mile markers is... a mile. When traveling US 1, these signs are an easy way to gauge how far you have traveled and how far you have to go. It is also an easy way to give directions. For instance Peppers of Key West is at mile marker 1/2.
9) Does Sun Set happen every day?
Yes, sunset happens every day, as does sunrise. My assumption is that the people asking this question are referring to the Sunset Celebration. And still, the answer is yes. Even on rainy days you can still find some diehards. Mallory square hosts our celebration that honors sunset and the beginning of the Duval Street "fun".
8) I understand there are 42 bridges in the Keys - which one do I take to get to Key West?
Even though there is an enormous amount of keys from the Florida mainland to Key West, there is only one road in and one road out. Most of the trip down from the mainland consists of two lanes - one in either direction and is mostly 35 mph speed zones. Some places bump to 55 mph, but our sheriff department knows where the zones drop from 55 to 35 and are usually sitting right at these
7) Does drinking a large amount of rum help with sunburn?
Drinking a large amount of rum helps pretty much everything.
6) How long is the 7 mile bridge?
Similar to the questions of "what color is George Washington's white horse" or "who is buried in Grant's tomb. The answer to this question is... 7 miles.
5) Do you live in the Keys or do you commute?
The Keys are a chain of 1700 little islands that make up the Florida Keys and they take up approximate 198 square miles. Homestead is 130 miles from Key West so if we commuted from the mainland it would take us roughly 3 hours depending on traffic. That would be a long commute!!
4) Where is the bridge to Cuba?
I don't really have an answer to this other than there isn't one.
3) Does the water go all the way around the island?
Ummm - yes, the definition of an island is land that is surrounded by water. While Key West is surrounded by both the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico we are still surrounded by water.
2) Do you take American money here?
The Keys did succeed from the union in 1982 and lasted all of two days. The state troopers parked their cruisers across route 1 (two lanes) preventing commerce from entering and exiting the Keys. Hence the two day succession. So we are still part of America and do take American money.
1) Are the gay people in Key West really gay or are they actors?
Yes they really are gay. One thing we are proud of is the concept of "One Human Family". Everybody is accepted and welcome regardless or your sexual orientation, race, religion, or nationality.